What to expect at a symphony concert
Getting Ready
We want your night at the LSO to be stress-free and full of joy. Here are some of our most asked questions about getting ready for concerts at the LSO.
How do I dress?
You will mostly see people dressed from business casual to semi-formal wear. Ultimately, wear what you find most comfortable and will allow you to fully enjoy the experience.
The Buddy Holly Hall of Performing Arts & Sciences has a clear bag policy. Bags must be clear (no tinting) plastic, vinyl or PVC and may be 12″ x 12″ x 6″ or smaller. Guests may also bring a small clutch bag (non-clear), approximately the size of a hand, or size 4.5” x 6.5.” Exceptions for medically necessary items are allowed after proper inspection by security staff. Click here to learn more.
how early should i arrive?
Doors to the venue open 1 hour prior to the concert. Theater doors open 30 minutes prior to the concert. We recommend arriving as early as you need to meet the rest of your party, find your seat, and get settled.
what if i arrive late?
If you arrive after the concert has begun you will be asked to wait until a pause in the music before you are seated.
do i need to know the music?
You don't need to be familiar with the music to enjoy it! The LSO plays a variety of musical styles. You might be moved by something unexpected.
how long are concerts?
LSO concerts are typically 1.5-2 hours long.
Can children attend the LSO?
Yes! We welcome music lovers of all ages.

at the concert
Here are some tips and guidelines to make your Lubbock Symphony Orchestra experience excellent—for you and the people around you.
How will I know what musical pieces are played and number of movements in each piece?
Concert programs, with information about the music, are provided on entry into the theater.
how will i know when the concert is starting?
The lights will dim and ushers will close the doors. Remember to be attentive during the concert—and as you enter and exit the theater. When the lights dim, please refrain from talking, whispering or humming. We need your undivided attention to give you our best performance!
When do i applaud?
When the piece is over. Do know, in classical music, one piece may have several pauses—or movements—within it. When in doubt, simply wait until the conductor faces you and takes a bow.
It is also polite to applaud when the concertmaster comes on stage and when the conductor walks to the podium.
how do i know when a piece of music is over?
The conductor will turn to face the audience when the piece is over.
how long are concerts?
LSO concerts are typically 1.5-2 hours long.
how can i have my best concert experience?
Enjoy the stillness and silence outside the music. Being in the moment will let the music thrive and embrace you.
parking and Venue
Primary Venue:
The Buddy Holly Hall of Performing Arts and Sciences
1300 Mac Davis Lane
Lubbock, TX, 79401
Parking Information
General parking is complimentary for most events. Parking lots are located near The Buddy Holly Hall at 1300 Mac Davis Lane, Lubbock TX 79401.
Guests using Taxis, Uber, Lyft or private cars may be dropped off at the west side of the theater, next to the VIP drop off area.
The Buddy Holly Hall of Performing Arts & Sciences has a clear bag policy. Bags must be clear (no tinting) plastic, vinyl or PVC and may be 12″ x 12″ x 6″ or smaller. Guests may also bring a small clutch bag (non-clear), approximately the size of a hand, or size 4.5” x 6.5.” Exceptions for medically necessary items are allowed after proper inspection by security staff. Click here to learn more.